Emily's Hippie Salad Formula

I'm copying this recipe pretty much verbatim from my Instagram post, because I think I captured the spirit of it pretty well...


How to make an Emily-style “Hippie Salad” (as my husband calls them):
--1 can of beans, rinsed and drained (black, cannellini, chickpeas, whatever)
--part of an English cucumber, seeds scooped out, absent-mindedly chopped
--some kind of sweet pepper, maybe half? diced
--some salty/tangy cheese: goat, feta, cotija, etc.
--herbs or green onions: the saddest cilantro left in the fridge is fine, as seen here, or parsley, etc.

--a “dressing” of roughly-equal-parts-but-I-never-measure olive oil + something tart (lemon juice, any kind of vinegar), maybe 2 Tbsp. of each? Salt and pepper.
--optional: a bit of jalapeño, some smoked paprika or cayenne, pretty much any other kind of crunchy veggie, *maybe* some meat if you really have to.

Combine. Gross out husband with your love of beans. Make extra dressing if you want to serve over a pile of greens. Consume while frantically grading papers.

Favorite combos: the chickpea+lemon+goat cheese option seen here or a black bean+lime+cotija mix, also a chickpea+green onion+rice vinegar+no cheese, or, get this, cannellini+lemon+parsley+a bit of tuna+celery

